The Cannabis Alliance 2025 Biennium Legislative Agenda
LCB Restructuring - Restructuring the Liquor and Cannabis Board (LCB) would streamline administration and enhance oversight of liquor, cannabis, and vapor products through a centralized, director-led governance model. The updated structure will feature specialized divisions for liquor, cannabis, and tobacco/vapor regulation, focusing on improved licensing, compliance, and enforcement processes. Annual state audits and Attorney General oversight will ensure transparency and accountability. This reorganization is designed to provide clearer communication, reduce administrative delays, and modernize regulatory processes to better meet the evolving needs of businesses and consumers in these industries.
Homegrow - Growing even one plant is currently a Class C felony, a severe and outdated penalty that conflicts with the principles of personal freedom and responsible use. Permitting home cultivation of a small number of plants empowers adults to have greater control over their cannabis while promoting equity and affordability. This simple change would align Washington’s laws with modern values and free up law enforcement resources for more pressing public safety concerns.
Cannabis Consumption Event License - The bill establishes a licensing framework for cannabis event organizers, allowing for regulated temporary consumption events. It promotes economic opportunities while incorporating social equity provisions to ensure industry inclusivity. Additionally, it includes safety measures to maintain compliance, security, and responsible public consumption.
Farm Direct Sales - Allowing farm direct sales enables licensed producers to sell flower directly to consumers, this fosters transparency and connection between growers and buyers. This model supports small businesses, promotes local economies, and enhances consumer education about the origin and quality of their cannabis products.
Patient Access - Enhancing patient access to cannabis ensures individuals with medical needs can acquire products safely and affordably. This proposal includes allowing DOH-compliant product sales directly from producers and processors to registered patients. Advocating for independent operation of medical consultants and enabling medical providers to issue medical cards directly at their practices will further streamline patient care.
Opioid Research - Investing in research on cannabis as an alternative to opioids addresses a pressing public health crisis. Evidence-based studies could demonstrate cannabis’ potential to reduce opioid dependency and overdose rates, providing a safer, non-addictive option for pain management and harm reduction strategies.
For additional assistance, please contact Executive Director Caitlein Ryan at